Cyber Attack Simulation for your organisation
A Cyber Simulation exercise is a training exercise that replicates a real cyber / security / ransomware incident, and demonstrates what can happen, so you can see what to do to minimize the effect on your organisation, respind appropriately and mitigate risk to your business.
Simulation gives real life, real time training for your team so they know what to expect when under attack:
What to do When Who to tell
Helps teams to understand what the risks as they carry out their daily work, so if the worse happens, you learn how to recover, what are the priorities and consequences – and, perhaps more importantly, what not to do.

Cyber Simulation backed by the International Association of Risk
and Crisis Communication
Join one of our virtual half day Cyber Simulation Workshops
We are running a series of virtual Cyber Simulation workshops which run for half a day, arounf the UK and in a number of US cities. These will give you a sense of what to look out for, how to respond whilst under duress in order to keep your business and organisation operating. All senior managers and baord directors should be prepared - and such training is a regulatory requirement in many jurisdictions.
Check our news section and Book Online tab for the lastest events.

Check our News section for our free workshop sessions
“Don't wait until a crisis occurs before thinking of crisis management. It is like waiting until you are drowning before thinking of learning to swim.”
“It takes a lifetime to build a reputation and only seconds to destroy one.”
Crisis exercise classes using PowerPoint won’t prepare you for real-world conditions.
You need to conduct regular crisis management drills using fully immersive scenario simulations in order to properly prepare your team and ensure that they are really crisis prepared.
Contact us to arrange a bespoke cyber simulation workshop for your organisation and team: click on the button below