2020 New Year New Knowledge
We are offering a crazy £1 trial offer on our independently accredited course:
"How to Manage Data Breaches"
£1 gives you 30 days' access to this course to allow you to start 2020 on a high!
We developed this course over a period of 15 years, with our extensive experience and hours of development.
Normal price is £750 for this Online Course, independently accredited by GCHQ (APMG GCT Training)
So, what's the catch?
Actually there isn't one… For £1 TRIAL OFFER, for 30 days' access, we will give you access to the whole program AND would like you to apply the training to benefit your company and your employees.
Contact us if you apply the training and make money as we are looking for more case studies for 2020.
Click below now to access the course - use the promotional code LI0120 to ensure you get a full £774 discount and get this course for £1

The Trust Bridge's Breach course "Data Breach and How to Manage it" is an APMG International GCHQ Certified Training Course. APMG has been appointed as the independent Certification Body for GCHQ, the UK government’s intelligence, cyber and security agency.
Once you have taken the course, you can then sit an exam and be certified by AMPG GCHQ. You will receive a digital badge that verifies your certification
(cost of exam is not included in this trial offer)

Here’s what you’ll learn during the Course:
What is a personal data breach? Learn the difference between a security incident and a personal data breach
Types of Personal Data breach: a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed
The possible consequences of a personal data breach: significant adverse effects on individuals
Notification to the supervisory authority: the fact that the notification was made without undue delay should be established
When does a controller become “aware” with a reasonable degree of certainty
Notification by a Processor: without undue delay or immediate notification
Notification in phases: comprehensive details of the incident may not always be available
Breaches affecting individuals in more than one Member State and cross-border processing
Communication to the data subject
Conditions where notification is not required.
Assessing risk and high risk: likely risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals
Factors to consider when assessing risk
Documenting breaches
3rd Party breaches
Risk Assessment
Data Subject Risks and Assessments
Notification Criteria Analysis